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热搜: 涅槃  三乘菩提  菩提  悟道  公案  十信


正觉电子报第98期 扉页等

[第098期]  发表时间: 2015-04-18 03:32 点击: [放大字体正常缩小] 关闭
虽行诸法不生不灭, 而以相好庄严其身, 是菩萨行。
Although one acts in all dharmas that are neitherarising nor ceasing, one can adorn one’s body with auspicious marks; such is the bodhisattvapractice.
Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra, Vol. 2
Thus bodhisattvas act in all dharmas that are neitherarising nor ceasing, but can adorn their reward-bodies,form-bodies, embodiments, and response-bodies withall kinds of auspicious marks pertaining to the fiveaggregates, which are arising-and-ceasing dharmas;such is the bodhisattva practice. In other words,bodhisattvas act in compliance with the principle ofemptiness-nature without having to extinguish thedharma-aspects of the mundane five aggregates: They
allow these dharmaaspects to continue to exist and caneven adorn them in many different ways, but at thesame time do not fail to comply with the reality ofemptiness-nature. This is a marked difference betweenthe Mahayana Bodhi and the Two-Vehicle Bodhi.
A Discourse on the Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra, Vol. 4, p. 61
本文标签: 本文关键字:正觉,电子报,98期,扉页,虽行,诸法,不生不灭,而以,相好



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