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热搜: 涅槃  三乘菩提  菩提  悟道  公案  十信



[第047期]  发表时间: 2015-04-18 01:50 点击: [放大字体正常缩小] 关闭
《入楞伽经》卷 3
The Tathagatagarbha, inherently pure and possessed of the thirty-two magnificent major features, stays in the body of each sentient being; just like an invaluable jewel bound by dirty clothes, it has been tied up with the tainted apparel fabricated with aggregate-realm-entrance, and defiled by those illusory thoughts such as greed, anger and ignorance.
The Lankavatara Sutra, Vol.
The eighteen-divisions of sense are illusionary and conditioned dharmas. It has also been explained that all dharmas of three-realms must be annihilated, and then we will be able to stay away from the life and death in the three-realms. In order to achieve this goal, one always starts from the elimination of self-view which is the coarsest and heaviest part of three-realms dharmas. Followed by the elimination of the greed for the
desire-realm, then the elimination of the greed for the state of the form-realm, and finally the elimination of the greed for the being in the formless-realm (the elimination of the self-greed of the perceptive mind in four formless samadhis), one is able to depart from the life and death in the three-realms.
The Correct Meanings of “The Agama Sutras”, Vol.
本文标签: 本文关键字:正觉,电子报,47期,如来,自性,清静,三十二,在于,一切众



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