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热搜: 涅槃  三乘菩提  菩提  悟道  公案  十信


正觉电子报第69期 (扉页一)

[第069期]  发表时间: 2015-04-18 02:29 点击: [放大字体正常缩小] 关闭
What is said about a complete heap of the wholesome [Kusalarāsī] isthe five roots [roots of faith, diligence, memory, concentration,and wisdom.] Why? It is because that this complete heap of thewholesome [five roots] is the greatest one as well as the mostwonderful one in all heaps of the wholesome. Anyone who does notpractice the five roots is not able to be the srotaapanna [the firstgrade of arhatship], the sakridagamin [the second grade ofarhatship], the anagamin [the third grade of arhatship], the arhat,the pratyekabuddha [solitary-realizer], and thetathagata-reality-true enlightenment. If one can attain the fiveroots, one will get the ways of reaching the Four Fruits and thethree-vehicles.
Increased by One Agama Sutras, Vol. 24
From the teaching of Buddha in The Four Agama Sutras that “Dependingon Manas [root of the conscious mind] and the mental object asconditions, the conscious mind can arise,” and that “All gross andsubtle conscious minds arise depending on Manas and the mentalobject as conditions,” we can obviously understand that Manas is theroot of the conscious mind, and that Manas and the conscious mindare two different kinds of mental entities. Furthermore, from themeaning in Agama Sutras that each vijnana is named after its ownroot, we can understand Manas and the conscious mind must be twokinds of mental entities. Therefore, in the two-vehicle dharmas,there are surely seven vijnanas mentioned, not six vijnanas only.Just those who lack wisdom would say that there are only sixvijnanas in The Four Agama Sutras.
The Correct Meanings of The Agama Sutras, Vol. 1
本文标签: 本文关键字:正觉,电子报,69期,扉页,言善,聚者,五根,所以然,最大,



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