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热搜: 涅槃  三乘菩提  菩提  悟道  公案  十信



[第134期]  发表时间: 2018-08-27 15:52 点击: [放大字体正常缩小] 关闭
“Sāriputra! What do I mean by saying it is for this one great cause alone that Buddhas, the World-Honored Ones, appear in the world? The Buddhas, the World-Honored Ones, appear in the world to unveil the knowledge and insight of Buddhas so that sentient beings can attain purity. They appear in the world to demonstrate the knowledge and insight of Buddhas to sentient beings. They appear in the world to help sentient beings realize the knowledge and insight of Buddhas. They appear in the world to enable sentient beings enter into the path of the knowledge and insight of Buddhas. This alone is the one great cause, Sāriputra, for which Buddhas appear in the world.”
The Lotus Sutra
Translation of the scriptural passage was adapted from the rendition of Gene Reeves, The Lotus Sutra: A Contemporary Translation of a Buddhist Classics ( Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2008 ) , 83.
Therefore, to help sentient beings realize the knowledge and insight of Buddhas and attain purity, Buddhas appear in the world to unveil and demonstrate them. […] But what is the purpose of the unveiling and the demonstrating? It is to open up the knowledge and insight for all to see. Buddhas have to continuously demonstrate their knowledge and insight to the sentient beings obstructed by ignorance such that they can attain direct realization. Now, if this is the purpose of the unveiling and the demonstrating, we should first investigate: what are the knowledge and insight all Buddhas acquire after attaining enlightenment? The simplest answer to this question: the suchness and the Buddha-nature.
A Discourse on the Lotus Sutra, vol. 2, 282-283 
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